Movie Night – Hotel Transylvania 3
October 12, 2018Written by lynnfripps
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Thank you to everyone who has put in their application for our 2nd annual Lynn Fripps Christmas Craft Fair. All spots are now full.
If you would like your name/business to be added to our wait list please contact us via email at: [email protected]
Dear Parents/Guardians:
Your teachers at Lynn Fripps Elementary School are excited to offer the opportunity to purchase your school supplies through School Start for the 2018/2019 school year. This process will save you both time and money.
There are a few simple steps to ensure your child will receive standardized brand name products (specified by each teacher).
Your school will receive $5/kit back!
There are two ways to place your order:
You can place your order online at . Visa & MasterCard are accepted. Place your order online in May or June and you will automatically be
You can also fill out the supplied order form, and return to your school with payment. Please make cheques payable to School Start.
If you have any questions, please contact School Start: [email protected]
Ph: 1-800-580-1868 Fax: 1-800-580-1890
Our PAC Executive elections are this month. Ever considered taking on a position? We know we have some talented parents among us!